Friday, April 8, 2011


Well, the day finally came {yesterday} when I turned the big 3-0.  I have always heard people talk about dreading this age, or even being a bit depressed, but it was really no big deal to me.  My husband was a different story.  He moped around for nearly 6 weeks prior to his birthday.  ;)

Why so easy for me you may ask?  I, without a doubt, feel like I can look back on my life thus far and say that I have no regrets or "should haves".  There have been wonderful travels in my past, I have an amazing husband, 2 beautiful girls, a home that we love, and a family with a bond like no other.  

I am proud of my first 30 years of life.  

Bring on the next. :)

Zach and me before dinner at my new favorite, Al Biernats.  
{If you haven't been, and want a nice dinner out, I highly suggest it. :) }

While we were away, the girls spent the evening with my mom, Honey. :)Thanks, mom!

I had to share these cute pics my mom took at the park...

Have a great Friday!  Enjoy the weekend. :)


  1. Welcome to the club! So glad you are blogging again! My, the girls have grown so much! Isn't being the mom to 2 girls the most fun ever!?!

  2. Happy LATE birthday! You're such a great person! What a postive "spin" on turing 30! I could use some help on approaching 34. haha I might be like Zach when it comes down to my 35th birthday next year.
